Improvisations for piano, based on own musical themes

1. Piano improvisation about “Little Star” (2024)

2. For C (2024)

3. Yesterday was a beautiful day (2021)

4. Lullaby for F. (2021)

Concert (Live): Modest Mussorgki’s “Pictures at an exhibition”, original score for piano solo (please note, that this video is filed on the YouTube-platform, therefore your ip-adress can be registered by YouTube). This is the version that sounds good over speakers. If you prefer headphones please use this link.


Composition of the ProSieben-Song “We love to entertain you” in cooperation with Andi Gleichmann. “We love to entertain you” is produced by Christian Schönborn and sung by Daniel Hall. The girlgroup “Preluders” and the boygroup “Overground” were on tour with a Cover-Version 2004 and 2005.